Parallel 49 Brewing Co. – The Toques of Hazzard Imperial White IPA

- Brewery: Parallel 49 Brewing Co.
- Beer Style: India Pale Ale, White IPA
- Pros:
Smooth and delicious while remaining strong
- Cons:
Stronger than you may expect by the flavour
- Conclusion:
Smooth and delicious White IPA
Parallel 49 Brewing Co. – The Toques of Hazzard Imperial White IPA Review
In usual slapstick-pun fashion Parallel 49 has named their latest concoction the Toques of Hazzard, an imperial white IPA. This hefty beer pours an opaque golden colour with three fingers of tight, thick and slow to settle head. When the head does finally disperse there is a thick layer of lacing left clinging to the glass. The aroma is thick with hops and citrus. A crisp but bitter hop is most prevalent with notes of lemon, orange, and mango coming in in reasonable strength along side. The aroma is tantalizing to say the least! Tasting this big beer it starts out with a citrus hit showing off the orange notes and continuing with delicious mango tones. A slight wheat flavour ads a bit of texture to the beer as well. The hops are quite noticeable from the mid-section onward. The flavour is clearly defined between the mango, wheat and a reasonably high sweetness but the expected hop bitterness does not really hit as hard as you may expect. The high 76 IBU seems shadowed by the other contrasting flavours. At 76 IBU and 9.2% alcohol this beer is surprisingly smooth, crisp and very enjoyable. I would highly recommend this beer!
Alcohol – 9.2%
Size – 650ml
IBU – 76
Price – $5.22 (Parallel 49 Brewery)
This is a seasonal beer (December 2013 Release) (not on website)
This is quite honestly my new favourite beer. It is very, very good and it’s hard to believe that this beer is 9.2%
The ABV is well concealed but one must be careful there; it can really creep up on you if you’re not careful. So true to its name, this can be quite the hazard.
I do have trouble with it being described as a DIPA though. Not quite. But still, I would recommend this brew to anyone.