Custom On It, Custom Beer Bottle Opener

Design Your Own Bottle Opener – Has The Technology

2013_11_BMBC-8112A custom bottle opener is a great idea for any business as it offers branding in a light yet memorable fashion. With the advancement of digital printing the idea of having such a promotional item is not nearly the investment that it once was. For quantities as low as 50 units you can have your own custom bottle opener. One company that offers such a product is For only a few dollars per unit you can design a beer bottle opener to your own specifications.

This particular opener is the Full Colour Mini style and appears to have a fairly resilient finish. Colouring around the edges of the opener is slightly off insinuating a thinner coat and bottles to score the opening area slightly but this is a bottle opener after all. The logo printing itself is clear but slightly pixelated. The logo used for printed was a .png file though and I would imaging that a vector file would be clearer (they do print vector files). As far as the cost/benefit ratio goes this seems like a great option for a company promo, event giveaway or whatever else you may need at least 50 custom bottle openers for.

Here is an example of one such custom opener which is suitingly branded Beer Me BC.


To order your own custom bottle openers visit

Custom On It, Custom Beer Bottle Opener


*Note that this post was not paid for by Custom On It but the bottle opener was provided free of charge for evaluation purposes.



About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit


  1. mikescraftbeer
    mikescraftbeer 16 November, 2013, 12:40

    Cool. I would do it if it was 10 or 20 openers but not 50.

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