Harrison Beer Festival - Beer Token

The 2013 Harrison Beer Festival – The Best of BC Beer in Sasquatch Country

Harrison Lake BC

Harrison Beer Festival Harrison, British Columbia is more than just a sot spring destination. The area is a great camping location, lakeside retreat and home of the Harrison Beer Festival. The second annual Harrison Beer Festival took place October 25th and 26th, 2013 in three main events. The weekend of beer-festivities started off with a Cask Night then a tasting Beer Festival event and finally an Octoberfest Dance. The middle, main event took place at the St. Alice Hall connected to the Harrison Hot Springs Resort. For this event 18 brewers came out to pour their fall-seasonal and year-round favorite brews for a record attendance of more than 500 people. For just being in its second year this festival already has a massive following.

Harrison Beer FestivalOf the 18 different breweries in attendance, 17 were actually BC born and raised. The Mill Street Brewing Company joined many of the BC favorites to please the senses of a discerning beer crowd. More than 60 different beers were being poured and from the Red Racer Pilsner and Tree Brewing Kelowna Pilsner the to the Coal Harbour Smoke and Mirrors and Driftwood Fat Tug IPA a good portion of the recent BC Beer Awards winning beers were out for tasting. The best of the best in BC Beer was placing it’s best foot forward in Harrison BC.

Harrison Beer Festival - Vancouver Island Brewing

Harrison Beer Festival - Beer TokenThe people always know best and for the Harrison Beer Festival the 500+ attendees cast their votes in the People’s Choice Award where they chose the Vancouver Island Brewery’s Storm Watcher Winter Lager as the best in show. This dark, toasted and delicious lager pulled at the heartstrings of Harrison’s most discerning craft beer drinkers and won the 2nd annual Harrison Beer Festival People’s Choice Award. Congratulations Vancouver Island Brewery on this great honour.

Harrison Beer FestivalIf you missed this year’s Harrison Beer Festival mark your calendar for next year as this is not an event to miss. Better yet, mark off the whole weekend and plan to take in the beauty that is Harrison BC. From Sasquatch Provincial Park, Harrison Hot Springs, world class golfing and the smaller attractions like museums and hazelnut farms this is a great place to spend the weekend and get some well deserved rest and relaxation.


For more information on the Harrison Beer Festival and the city of Harrison visit harrisonbeerfest.com and tourismharrison.com

Click on the images below for a slideshow of event photos.

Categories: Events & Festivals

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.

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