Parallel 49 Brewing Co. – Crane Kick Sorachi Ace Pilsner


4 out of 5
4 out of 5
4.2 out of 5
3.8 out of 5


4 out of 5


  • Brewery: Parallel 49 Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Pilsner
  • Pros:

    Great, Japanese Hop Flavour

  • Cons:

    Not a typical BC Pilsner

  • Conclusion:

    Delicious and different international flavour inspiration.


Parallel 49 Brewing Co. – Crane Kick Sorachi Ace Pilsner Review

The Parallel 49 Brewing Company has been cranking out the seasonal beers since they opened and the newest in the ever-growing lineup is the Crane Kick, Sorachi Ace Pilsner. This straw coloured Pilsner pours with three fingers of head that disperses slowly and evenly. The aroma is of crisp and refreshing malts, lemon and forecasts a beach drinking beer right off the bat. The flavour is light and mild, a slight hop bitterness balances a clean malted base. The easiest beers to compare this to would be Sapporo or Asahi but this is a step above. Using Sorachi Ace hops the Japanese style flavours come through but a BC Craft Beer influence props this above the competition. A rare brew in the confines of BC but bringing international flavours back home. The Crane Kick is an excellent choice with your preference of sushi or just a hot BC, summer day.

Alcohol – 5.8%
Size – 650ml
IBU – 37
Price – $5.60 (Parallel 49 Brewery)
This is a seasonal beer (August 2013 Release) (not on website)


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About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of in 2012. To learn more about the editorial team visit


  1. mikescraftbeer
    mikescraftbeer 1 September, 2013, 20:34

    Good stuff. Back to hits again!

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