Old Yale Brewing Co. – Canadian Band Beer – D.O.Ale


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4 out of 5



Old Yale Brewing Co. – Canadian Band Beer – D.O.Ale Review

In the early-season lack of Hockey CBC decided to get behind something slightly different from Don Cherry’s flamboyant suits and try something a little more relate-able. Craft Beer! Through CBC, local craft breweries have been paired up with some of the Top BC based bands to make the Canadian Band Beer series. First to be released in BC is the D.O.Ale. Coming from the Old Yale Brewing Company and inspired by BC Punk Rock artists D.O.A this is a Classic Brown Ale that has the CBC stamp of approval.

The D.O.Ale pours a deep copper-brown colour with two fingers of off-white head topping the glass. The smell is nutty with chocolate, coffee and caramel tones coming through in a smooth ensemble. The taste starts off in a smooth coffee flavour balanced with light chocolate and caramel sweetness. As the flavour builds a light hop bitterness joins the taste profile evening out what sweetness came in the front. Contrary to D.O.A’s perspective nothing needs to be changed here as this beer is smooth, flavourful and a great light-dark beer for the BC Spring. The flavour is full, but not too heavy making for a beer that can be enjoyed on the deck, watching the late-playoffs or inside on a rainy day listening to the Something Better Change Album from D.O.A.


Alcohol – 5.0%
IBU – 28
Size – 650ml bottles
Price – $5.85 (BCL)
(Not On Website)



D.O.Ale is here: Joe Keithley on his band’s beer-soaked history

More Canadian Band Beer choices are hitting the shelves as we speak!

Available May 24
You Say Barley We Say Rye by R&B Brewing Co.
(Inspired by You Say Party)

Available May 31
Said the Ale by Townsite Brewing Inc.
(Inspired by Said the Whale)

Available June 7
Pink Mountainhops by Cannery Brewing Co.
(Inspired by Pink Mountaintops)

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.


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