Hoyne Brewing Co. – Off The Grid Red Lager


4.2 out of 5
4 out of 5
3.9 out of 5
3.9 out of 5


4 out of 5


  • Brewery: Hoyne Brewing Co.
  • Beer Style: Lager, Red Lager
  • Pros:

    Light and flavourful lager with a touch of red

  • Cons:

    A bit sweet

  • Conclusion:

    Nice and very enjoyable twist on a BC Lager


Hoyne Brewing Co. – Off The Grid Red Lager Review

It has been a little while since Hoyne released a new beer but the Off the Grid has finally arrived. This amber coloured, Red Lager pours with 2 fingers of head that is fluffy and sticks to the side of the glass after settling. The smell coming off this beer is of caramel, mild hop and honey. The aroma is light with a sweetness that adds warmth to the beer. The taste is warm and toasted. Starting off smooth, the sweetness builds through the toasted honey flavour before leading up to a lightly hopped, contrasting balance. The finish is a blend of the lingering sweetness and mild hop-bitterness that is mellow smooth and yearns for another sip. The sweetness is strong but not overbearing making for a flavourful and easy drinking summer beer that has something greater to offer than the average lager. Give it a try and the Hoyne Off The Grid will not disappoint!

Alcohol – 5.3%
Size – 650ml bottles
Price – $6.99 (16th Street Liquor)


About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.


  1. mikescraftbeer
    mikescraftbeer 18 May, 2013, 11:46

    It wouldn’t be like Sean to disappoint. This is a great lager that I will drink again. I do not drink lager as a rule. You have to break the rules some times though!

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  2. JSR
    JSR 27 October, 2016, 08:06

    This is far and away my favourite beer right now. Pretty hard to get, though.

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  3. jim brown
    jim brown 9 October, 2017, 21:04

    Yeah, why is that? This, or something like it should be a common staple. For too many beers(years) I have been swamped with overly hopped ipa’s, hopped out pilsners, and ales instead of unfiltered slightly sweet and nutty ales, we get fruity twists or even hopped out ales. For the love of vienna malt and others, let the flavor of barley come alive, hops are over rated. Respect the barley, praise the yeast, stay away from rice and chemicals, and only beer in bottles, plz quit making beer skunky in green bottles, have we not learnt…

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