Driftwood Brewery – Clodhopper Local Malt Dubbel

- Brewery: Driftwood Brewery
- Beer Style: Belgian, Belgian Dubbel
- Pros:
Mellow yet very flavourful
- Cons:
Different array of flavours
- Conclusion:
Nice Belgian flavour in a very drinkable package
Driftwood Brewery – Clodhopper Local Malt Dubbel Review
Released from Victoria’s Driftwood Brewery is the Clodhopper Local Malt Dubbel. Sticking with Driftwood’s Belgian traditions this is a classic dubbel that shines an amber-brown hue topped with two fingers of head. Through the cap comes delicious notes of toasted malt, caramel, clove and a defined sweetness. The taste starts off with a lightly sweetened malt that builds into a toasted yet subtle mid-section. The finish is quite neutral with lingering caramel notes, toffee, clove and a raisin like sweetness. Raisin may sound odd but the flavour is balanced, mellow and quite easy to drink. Overall this beer’s description may sound like an odd and sweet concoction of flavours but the body is not overly sweet and the finish is very neutral. This dubbel is a flavourful and very drinkable beer that can be enjoyed by beer drinkers of any type.
Alcohol – 7%
Size – 650ml
IBU – Unknown (low)
Price – $8.99 (craft retailer)