Mission Springs Brewing Co. – Mr. Winter’s “Dashing Pumpkin” Winter Ale


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Mission Springs Brewing Co. – Mr. Winter’s “Dashing Pumpkin” Winter Ale Review

Released out of Mission BC. Mission Springs Brewery has brewed up their “Dashing Pumpkin” Winter Ale. This beer is an amber colour that is crested with a shade more than a finger’s worth of head. The colour is a deep amber which the head settles quickly into. The smell coming off this beer is strong with pumpkin and complimented with allspice, nutmeg, clove and cinnamon with  a holiday-style sweetness. The taste starts off lightly toasted building into a festive pumpkin spice body. The spice smells all translate cleanly into the flavour and are followed by a stronger than expected bitter finish. The contrasting bitter-sweet finish is a little more than expected making the lasting impression a little rougher than preferred but this is a tasty beer to share in the holiday spirit.

Alcohol – 7.4%
IBU – 21
Size – 650ml
Price – $7.25 (Private Liquor Store)
missionspringsbrewingcompany.com (not on website)

About Author

Dustan Sept

Dustan Sept is the founder of Beer Me BC. His passion for craft beer drove the creation of beermebc.com in 2012. To learn more about the beermebc.com editorial team visit beermebc.com/the-beer-me-bc-team/.

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